Ickleford Mews Property Marketing Brochure

High-end property marketing brochure for Jarvis Homes’ new development, Ickleford Mews


To produce a luxury property marketing brochure for Jarvis Homes’ new development, Ickleford Mews.

Jarvis Homes approached Oyster to design a logo and a property marketing brochure to promote Ickleford Mews, the company’s contemporary housing development in the attractive village of Ickleford in Hertfordshire. The scheme comprises nineteen 3- and 4-bed detached and semi-detached houses and 2-bed maisonettes.


Time was taken to develop a brand identity that reflects Ickleford’s beautiful heritage.

Oyster listened carefully to Jarvis’s vision for the scheme before devising and communicating plans for marketing the development. Time was taken to develop a brand identity that reflects Ickleford’s beautiful heritage. The lavender fields around Ickleford, one of the area’s most iconic and spectacular features, provided the perfect inspiration.

Oyster’s in-house graphic design team has the extensive design expertise and property marketing capabilities required to create a bespoke brochure and as soon as Ickleford’s brand identity was established, work began on designing a property marketing brochure to promote the development.

Oyster worked with Jarvis to create a flat plan for the brochure, ensuring that there was a consistent design flowing throughout; the content, fonts and backgrounds are in harmony and feel consistent at every touch point. Furthermore, the visual elements are squared and centred throughout, while architectural plans have been brought to life by carefully retouching computer-generated exterior images.

The design team wanted the writing and logo on the front and back cover of the property marketing brochure to shine and this effect was achieved by using metallic copper foil. The copper colour radiates against the cool, charcoal grey of the cover, while the velvety soft-touch laminate used on the outer cover adds a final dash of luxury, giving the brochures a sumptuous, tactile feel.


The end result is a striking property marketing brochure that effectively promotes Ickleford Mews.

This was the first project Oyster has undertaken for Jarvis Homes and the end result is a striking brochure that effectively promotes Ickleford Mews. Jarvis decided to print 500 copies which would be handed out as marketing collateral at the show home and mailed to interested parties.

Do you need a marketing brochure? We can handle all aspects of your brochure including CGIs, illustrations, photography and printing, as well as website design and integrated marketing to promote your development. Please get in contact by emailing info@oysterstudios.com or call 01582 761212. 

1 property brochure
500 printed copies
19 properties sold